is an ancient Greek word meaning:
"The Result of Healing, Therapy....."
I believe that it’s possible for every individual to find their own personal equilibrium. My aim is to take people on this journey towards psychophysical unity & healing themselves.
In my work I offer a variety of modalities, all of which can be combined and allow me to cater for diverse and complex cases. I always look deeper than the superficial symptoms and search for the hidden causes of imbalance.
We are all connected, and everything in the universe is made up of energy. This concept is widely supported, by both ancient philosophies and new discoveries in medicine, quantum physics and ecology. All the ways I work aim at restoring a balanced state of energy that will benefit the body, mind and spirit.
We are all well aware that we have affected the balance of the planet and that we have long been willingly blind to accepting our responsibility to change. However it is never too late to embark towards a new goal: to first change ourselves. Achieving a new state of healthy and connected body, mind and spirit in turn creates changes influencing the world around us.
"I have tended to suffer from back problems for most of my life, and after a recent bad spell the physiotherapist who was treating me recommended Tai Chi as a follow-up and a method of keeping the problem under control. I was particularly keen, too, to improve my balance after having one or two falls. Roxani’s classes, combined with some private lessons with her, have made a big difference and given me much greater stability. Roxani’s clear direction and warm encouragement have been an inspiration, and by the end of each lesson I feel stimulated and refreshed, no matter how battered I was feeling when I arrived. I certainly intend to continue with these and recommend them to others."
Prudence Raper
Writer, singer and Manager in retirement
"I am a student of Alexander Technique, and have experienced Roxani's teaching over the past year. Roxani is empathetic and supportive, using her broad knowledge of body movement as well as sensitive intuition to help me in short term pain and long term change. I am looking forward to many years of sessions!"
Cait Hurley
"I highly recommend Roxani because she is very supportive in helping me to manage very serious health conditions, ie irregular heartbeat, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain syndrome and fibromyalgia. These conditions can make one extremely anxious and depressed but through the Alexander Technique I have become mindful and able to observe myself so I am able to manage any episodes (pain, fatigue) that may be coming. Roxani has a gentle sensitive demeanour and active presence, which is so importantly supportive to my process."
Akira Cripps
"However fidgety or distracted I might be feeling at the start of a lesson with Roxani, I know that a remarkable sense of calm will descend by the time I have finished. While she is teaching, she is relishing the gentle soft movements of
Qigong herself, which encourages me to do the same. Whether you are practicing in a small group or even during an online class, Roxani teaches with great awareness due to her experience in performance and training in Alexander Technique."
Lucy de Castro
"I have HEDS and I have been working with Roxani for a number of months now. During this time, I have found her to be extremely knowledgeable and willing to share this with me in ways that I am able to understand. She has been kind, thoughtful, caring and extremely flexible in her approach and has worked with me to find ways that work for me and my bodies present limitations. I cannot recommend her more highly she has been inspirational to me, and I cannot thank her enough for all her generosity and kindness."
Grace Hogg
Tel: 07707226871
Email: info@iasis.uk